




[1] 註冊AI繪圖:Midjourney,並練習一次


進入Midjourney,並且點選[Join the Beta],他會自動連接到Discord

  1. 找到NEWCOMMER ROOM隨便找一個進去(每次都會出現不同房間,隨便進即可)
  2. 在對話框輸入/imag就會跳出對話框(如果沒有跳出來先按一次enter送出再輸入一次)
  3. 點選之後會會變成imagine prompt,prompt為黑框代表步驟成功,可輸入任意單字試試看是否成功!

[2] 詠唱第一段魔法,把想法透過簡單敘述並翻譯成英文

  1. 本次翻譯用“我愛翻譯”,也可進入任意翻譯網,進行翻譯。(因為軟體為英文體系,使用英文較能讓AI理解意思)


  2. 複製結果:一位老師在台上演講,一群孩子在台下認真聽講,強調老師的部分,不可思議的細節,一絲不苟。

[3] 替換咒語中的某段,讓咒語變成自己想要的樣子


You will now act as a prompt generator for a generative AI calledMidjourney”. Midjourney AI generates images based on given prompts.
I will provide a concept and you will provide the prompt for Midjourney AI.
You will never alter the structure and formatting outlined below in any way and obey the following guidelines:
You will not write the words “description” or use “:” in any form. Never place a comma between [ar] and [v].
You will write each prompt in one line without using return.
[1] = [[文本]]
[2] = a detailed description of [1] that will include very specific imagery details.
[3] = with a detailed description describing the environment of the scene.
[4] = with a detailed description describing the mood/feelings and atmosphere of the scene.
[5] = A style, for example: photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, Artwork, paperwork, 3d and more). [1]
[6] = A description of how [5] will be realized. (e.g. Photography (e.g. Macro, Fisheye Style, Portrait) with camera model and appropriate camera settings, Painting with detailed descriptions about the materials and working material used, rendering with engine settings, a digital Illustration, a woodburn art (and everything else that could be defined as an output type)
[ar] = “–ar 16:9” if the image looks best horizontally, “–ar 9:16” if the image looks best vertically, “–ar 1:1” if the image looks best in a square. (Use exactly as written)
[v] = If [5] looks best in a Japanese art style use, “–niji”. Otherwise use, “–v 5” (Use exactly as written)
What you write will be exactly as formatted in the structure below, including the “/” and “:” This is the prompt structure: “/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [ar] [v]”.
This is your task: You will generate 4 prompts for each concept [1], and each of your prompts will be a different approach in its description, environment, atmosphere, and realization.
The prompts you provide will be in English*.
Please pay attention:
Use affirmative sentences and avoid using negative sentences.
Describe what you want clearly and avoid using abstract vocabulary.
Avoid using overly detailed specifics and try to use singular nouns or specific numbers.
Avoid using extended associative concepts and use more specific keywords.
Concepts that can’t be real would not be described asRealorrealisticorphotoor aphotograph”. for example, a concept that is made of paper or scenes which are fantasy related.
One of the prompts you generate for each concept must be in a realistic photographic style. you should also choose a lens type and size for it. Don’t choose an artist for the realistic photography prompts.
Separate the different prompts with two new lines
[VERY IMPORTANT] Provide a Traditional Chinese translation for every prompt.


Prompt 1:
/imagine prompt: 

Prompt 2:
/imagine prompt: 

英文的結尾都要加上ar 16:9 --v 4 以此類推


  1. 點選右上角複製,並貼上任意文字編輯器:例如Word、Pages
  2. 貼上文字後,找到段落中的“文本”二字,將剛剛翻譯的英文覆蓋過去


  1. 把文字貼到ChatGPT裡面
  2. ChatGPT就會給你範例的英文跟中文,找一段你喜歡的段落複製,記住只複製英文!

[5]回到Discord,將結果貼在/image prompt裡面



  1. 把剛剛ChatGPT得到的英文貼到/image prompt內
  2. 等待一段時間後就會給你四張範例圖片


  1. U1-U4分別從左上到右下,意思:將圖片單獨大圖輸出。

  2. V1-V4分別從左上到右下,意思:延伸出各圖四張風格類似的圖片。




Please ignore all previous instructions. From now on, communicate only in English.

I will provide a set of instructions, called a [prompt], for generating images in Midjourney. The [prompt] consists of a series of short [explanation] separated by commas. Please help me analyze the content of the [prompt] by answering the following questions in English:

[1] What is the main concept of the image? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to this concept?
[2] Are there any additional details to the main concept, such as emotions, perspectives, light, shadow, or viewpoints? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to these details?
[3] Is there a background to the image? What are the basic concepts and any supplementary information related to it? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to the background? If there is no specific background information, answernone.
[4] What is the reference style of the image? Is it inspired by a particular era, painter, software, animation, game, or other style? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to the reference style?
[5] Are there any other parameters for generating the image? Any parameters beginning with “–xxxare relevant, so please explain their purpose.
[6] List all of the explanations in the [prompt].
Please analyze the following [prompt] for generating images in Midjourney with English according to the above questions.

把剛剛貼在Midjourney的文字複製起來 ,貼上ChatGPT,並把上面這段放在複製的英文上方,讓他們變成同一段落,下方示意圖


會如上圖所示,貼上後Enter 讓ChatGPT去做運算,就會得出結果!




4/1更新左邊是Version5 輸出的高畫質圖

Midjourney更新V5更高畫質的圖片,想要輸出V5只要在對話框中輸入:/setting就會叫出一堆按鈕,找到MJ version 5按下去之後圖片輸出都會是V5,但V5現在只提供給有購買會員的人使用哦!

4/4這是最新niji (動漫圖)Version5 輸出的高畫質圖

4/4 niji已經更新到V5版本(我不確定哪天更新的),相較於單純niji,niji V5畫風更像他另一個平台niji journey 所繪畫的高畫質動漫圖片。



我的AI繪圖之旅啟蒙老師:[ChatGPT 咒語庫] Midjourney 咒語產生器


我之後會寫一篇 “如何透過Midjourney賺錢”,讓我們一起讓在AI時代賺錢吧!

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